Dalenius, T. (2023) Full-parallax digital holography, anatomy, and art. Proc. SPIE. Practical Holography XXXVIII: Displays, Materials, and Applications.
John, P. (2022) The Impact of Public Engagement with Research on a Holographic Practice-based Study. Routledge International Handbook of Practice-Based Research. Milton: Taylor & Francis Group.
Amos, V. Jadav, P. and Richardson, M. (2019) A holographic representation of three-dimensional J9 space. Proc. SPIE. Practical Holography XXXIII: Displays, Materials, and Applications.
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Dalenius, T. N. and Richardson, M. (2018) An artist’s perspective on data visualization using synthetic holography. 11th International Symposium on Display Holography, University of Aveiro, Portugal.
Amos, V. and Richardson, M. et al (2018) Full Aperture CυBE: Coherent υ Beam Educator. 11th International Symposium on Display Holography, University of Aveiro, Portugal.
Chang, Y-R. (2018) Holographic Script.11th International Symposium on Display Holography, University of Aveiro, Portugal.
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Chang, Y-R. and Richardson, M. (2017) Holographic space: presence and absence in time. Proc. SPIE 10127, Practical Holography
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