Stereoscopic Video/Imaging

Her Majesty the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee visit to De Montfort University 2012 3D
Tove Dalenius, Sandra Oliveira and the Imaging and Display Research Group were selected for the groundbreaking opportunity to film Her Majesty the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh and Princess Catherine, The Duchess of Cambridge’s Diamond Jubilee visit to De Montfort University in 3D. The film was also exhibited at the Britsh Embassy in Tokyo, Japan, during a De Montfort University event there.
Experimental Stereoscopic Video Laboratory Tove Dalenius
Panasonic AG-3DA1E
PANASONIC generously donated the most up-to-date 3D video broadcast cameras and screens to the group for product development feedback.
How to view this content:
We recommend the Red/Cyan method (You will need appropriate glasses). Choose the Anaglyph mode in the YouTube 3D setting.
Lecture by Brian May
November 2013
Lecture by Dr. Brian May, Denis Pellerin and Paula Fleming about the Diableries, a Victorian stereoscopic 3D view of the underworld hugely popular throughout the 1860s. They presented their new book Diableries: Stereoscopic Adventures in Hell, which brings together all but two of the Diableries cards in existence. The lecture was arranged by the De Montfort University Photographic History Research Centre (PHRC).
Brian also made a hologram together with Professor Martin Richardson in the DMU holography laboratory.
Image source: Fleming, Bryan May and Martin Richardson in our holography laboratory.
Stereoscopic Video and Binaural Sound
In her Creative Technologies masters project An investigation into how binaural sound may add
Binaural recording using artificial ears. Editing binaural sound and stereoscopic video.