Introducing Blythtypes
Positive-working Cyanotype prints!
This website describes a new Cyanotype system, the ‘Blythtype’, which offers a new technique resulting in a positive image made from a positive image. Another advantage of this new technique is the increase in light sensitivity through the introduction of a photosensitive dye. Crucially, it also offers photosensitivity to the red end of the spectrum enabling a greater balance of grey scales to be recorded from coloured images which until now has not been directly possible with Cyanotypes. The authors hope this will excite many
This new ‘positive-working Cyanotype system’ has three great advantages.
- It does not need a negative image sheet.
- It allows a modern digital projector to be used, as one might a photographic enlarger.
- It allows old transparencies like ‘Kodachromes’ to be turned directly into cyanotype images using old
analogue projectors.
All chemicals and equipment are readily available at low cost from Internet suppliers. Without exception the chemicals advocated are not acutely toxic,
Blyth, J. & Richardson, M. De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH
Non-holographic imaging systems